The students will follow the following model from idea generation to successfully launching their startups.
Phase - I – Submission of Business Idea
Interested students will register themselves on SSBC Wah website either as an individual or a team.
For teams, one student will register himself/herself as team lead and invite the other team member as a partner on SSBC registration portal.
The registered students will submit the business idea on SSBC website within the due date of submission.
The submitted business ideas will be evaluated by SSBC Team.
Phase - II – Submission of Business Plan
The qualified business ideas will be required to submit the complete business plan for phase-II at SSBC website.
Complete business plans will be evaluated by the SSBC team. The evalution guidelines are attached (Annex A and Annex B)
Phase - III – Pitching the Idea
The qualified students of phase-II will be required to submit business plan presentations.
Students will pitch their idea in front of SSBC management committee.
SSBC management committee will judge the ideas on the basis of innovativeness, potential for survival, growth and sustainability.
Phase - IV – Award of Seed Money and Signing of Agreement with SSBC
Qualified students of phase - III will be awarded with the award letters.
They will sign the SSBC agreement and undertaking form.
Phase -V – Incubation & Training of Successful Startups
SSBC shall allot work stations to selected startups after signing the agreement.
It will be mandatory for all the Startups to attend the two weeks training before taking a formal start at SSBC.
Student Start-up Business Center
CUI, Student Startup Business Centre (SSBC) has been established with the support of Higher
Education Commission of Pakistan, and the Promotion of Education in Pakistan Foundation,
Inc. (USA).
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